Raja Launches TV Commercial

Raja becomes first candidate in 8th District Primary for Congress to air TV ad
Progressive Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi, the leading Democratic candidate to replace Tammy Duckworth in Congress for the 8th District of Illinois, today launched his television ad campaign and will remain on the air through the March 15th primary election.
The television commercial is entitled “Meet Raja” and includes biographical information in addition to policy proposals that Krishnamoorthi would fight for on Capitol Hill if he is elected to Congress to represent Chicago’s northwest suburbs. It is appearing on the major broadcast channels serving the Chicago market.
“We are focused on the remaining 20 days of this campaign,” said Justin Lamorte, Raja’s campaign manager. “Raja and his many volunteers are going door-to-door to talk with voters about his progressive plan to grow and strengthen the middle class, bolster Social Security and Medicare, and push for common sense gun safety. This extensive television ad campaign will allow more voters to learn about Raja’s progressive vision to serve the northwest Chicago suburbs in Congress.”
In the past week, Raja has received the endorsement of both the Daily Herald and the Chicago Sun-Times, which said it was “impressed by Krishnamoorthi’s highly specific legislative agenda.”
Watch the ad “Meet Raja”: