Congressman Krishnamoorthi Racks Up More Support from the Organized Labor Movement
Congressman Krishnamoorthi Racks Up More Support from the Organized Labor Movement
After receiving an initial strong showing of support from local and national organized labor organizations, Congressman Krishnamoorthi today announced more endorsements from his allies in organized labor, further illustrating that he is the only candidate in the race for Illinois’ 8th Congressional District that will deliver for working families.
Contact: Brian Kaissi (
SCHAUMBURG, IL- Today, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi announced an additional round of support from allies in the organized labor movement. Leaders representing the following labor organizations, in no particular order, announced their support today:
• Chicago Federation of Labor
• Amalgamated Transit Union
• National Association Of Postal Supervisors
• National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi is proud of the vocal support from leaders in the organized labor movement, below are a few of the quotes in support of the Congressman’s re-election from labor representatives:
“Congressman Raja has delivered real results for the working people of Illinois, plain and simple. Just last month he secured $1 million in federal funding for the CFL co-sponsored HIRE360 Workforce Development Center in Chicago. The program will not-only train workers for in-demand jobs across the Greater Chicago Area, but grow the pool of strong diverse contractors that employ union workers. We look forward to continuing this important work with Congressman Raja in the years to come.”
– Chicago Federation of Labor President Bob Reiter
“As workers in some of the industries most heavily impacted by the pandemic, we are proud to strongly support Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi for re-election. Congressman Raja’s willingness to advocate for the health and safety of our members while also keeping a laser focus on a robust transition to post-pandemic life for the tourism industry is an impressive feat. We’re grateful to have a representative like Congressman Raja standing up for our interests in Congress!” – President of UNITE HERE! Local 1 Karen Kent
“As the single largest International Union representing transit workers in the United States, with nearly 14,000 transit, school bus, and intercity bus members throughout Illinois, we have seen the impact of Raja’s good governance first-hand. Congressman Raja understands that strong national infrastructure is the foundation of our economy, and he has supported transit workers every step of the way. His hard work helping usher the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law is yet another example of why we stand with Congressman Raja.” – President of The Amalgamated Transit Union Bob Costa
“Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi has been a congressional leader in support of and fighting for an accessible, affordable, high-quality and responsive national postal service. He has been especially attentive to the users of the mail who live and work in northern Illinois, including the Chicago metropolitan area. The National Association of Postal Supervisors, the employee association representing the 45,000 postal supervisors, managers and postmasters, looks forward to continuing working with the congressman in his efforts to improve the Postal Service and safeguard our public-owned universal postal system.” – NAPS National Area Vice President for Illinois Luz Moreno