Raja Endorsed by United Hellenic Voters of America

One of Largest Groups Representing Greek-American Voters in 8th District Endorses Raja for Congress
SCHAUMBURG, Ill., (November 1, 2016) — Raja Krishnamoorthi, the Democratic nominee for Congress in the 8th District of Illinois, has been endorsed by the United Hellenic Voters of America, one of the largest groups representing Greek- Americans in the district.
“This election year has shined a bright light on the importance of standing up to bigotry and racism spewed by Donald Trump to uphold our American ideals of diversity,” Krishnamoorthi said. “I would like to thank the United Hellenic Voters of America for their support in my efforts to grow and strengthen the middle class. The UHVA believes in the importance of diversity and in its role in developing responsible citizens engaged in the political process. ”
The UHVA was established to promote citizenship among people of Hellenic descent and establish relationships with other diversified populations. The group encourages its members to participate in the political process at the local, state and national levels.
UHVA’s endorsement adds to the long list of endorsements of Raja for Congress, including President Barack Obama and all three of the Chicago area’s largest newspapers: the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times and Daily Herald.
In its editorial, the Chicago Tribune wrote that Krishnamoorthi is “particularly good on jobs and the economy” and a “good fit for the 8th District” that includes west and northwest Chicago suburbs. The newspaper noted that “what really sets (Raja) apart is a solid, enthusiastic grasp on issues, from immigration to the war on Islamic State.”
The editorial board of the Daily Herald, the largest suburban newspaper in the Chicago area “unreservedly” endorsed Krishnamoorthi, describing him as having a “breadth and depth of experience that his current challenger cannot match” and praised Raja’s running of “two high-tech companies” and his “boosterism of solar energy.”
In its endorsement of Raja, the Chicago Sun-Times described Krishnamoorthi as “whip smart” and someone with a “real passion for the underdog, apparently having never forgotten how, when he was a child, his family lived on food stamps.”
The newspaper added that Raja has “approached the challenges of public policy in creative ways.”
The son of immigrants, Raja grew up in Illinois. After college and law school, he became issues director for Barack Obama’s successful U.S. Senate campaign. He also served as a founding prosecutor in Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s anti-corruption unit.
A lifelong progressive, Raja is running for Congress to stand up for working families and grow and strengthen the middle class.