Chicago Sun-Times Endorses Raja for Congress
Following on the heels of Chicago Tribune endorsement, Chicago Sun-Times Says Raja is “whip smart” and has “approached the challenges of public policy in creative ways”
SCHAUMBURG, Ill., (October 13, 2016) – The Chicago Sun-Times editorial board has endorsed Raja Krishnamoorthi for Congress, describing him as “whip smart” and someone with a “real passion for the underdog, apparently having never forgotten how, when he was a child, his family lived on food stamps.”
The Chicago Sun-Times also wrote that Raja has “approached the challenges of public policy in creative ways.”
In its editorial endorsement, the newspaper stated that Krishnamoorthi would “prioritize shoring up Social Security and Medicare; raising the minimum wage nationally; guaranteeing maternity leave and sick leave, and ensuring equal pay for equal work. He wants to create a federal infrastructure bank to help complete the stalled construction of the Elgin-O’Hare Expy. and Metra’s dormant 55-mile STAR Line, which would connect nearly 100 suburbs. He also would like to assure taxpayers are not overcharged for medicines after taxpayers have the funded research that is at the core of pharmaceutical products.”
The endorsement editorial from the Sun-Times continued to highlight Raja’s policy agenda, by noting he “would push to make college more affordable; allow families to be able to renegotiate the interest on student loans; expand Pell grants; simplify the financial aid process, and create a 401K-style program in which businesses could help students pay off their loans.”
The endorsement from the Chicago Sun-Times means the two largest Chicago-based newspapers are endorsing Raja for Congress, as the Chicago Tribune endorsed Krishnamoorthi earlier in the week by writing he is “particularly good on jobs and the economy” whose “resume is a good balance of business, government and political experience.” The Tribune added that “what really sets him apart is a solid, enthusiastic grasp on issues, from immigration to the war on Islamic State.”
Click here to read the full endorsement of Raja for Congress by the Chicago Sun-Times
The son of immigrants, Raja grew up in Illinois. After college and law school, he became issues director for Barack Obama’s successful U.S. Senate campaign. He also served as a founding prosecutor in Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s anti-corruption unit.
A lifelong progressive, Raja is running for Congress to stand up for working families and grow and strengthen the middle class.
Photo Cred: Rich Hein/Sun-Times