Congressman Krishnamoorthi calls for action on unsafe recalled cars in the government fleet
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi was featured this week in a Spotlight on America investigation into cars in the federal fleet with active safety recall notices. Earlier this year, Congressman Krishnamoorthi called on the General Services Administration (GSA) to halt the sale and lease of government vehicles with active safety recalls, and the House of Representatives passed an appropriations bill last summer that included an amendment introduced by Congressman Krishnamoorthi and Congresswoman Schakowsky prohibiting the GSA from selling cars that are under a safety recall.
Now, Congressman Krishnamoorthi calls on the Senate to take action and address this issue: “We have to fix this right now. That’s our duty, that’s why our constituents hire us, to make sure that we, at the least, keep people safe.” To hear more about this investigation, watch the televised segment here.