A show of decency

Letter to the Editor
I can’t help but feel that no candidate in this upcoming election is fit to be running for office. After all, the candidates are trying to sell us on the idea that their opponent is a failure, based primarily on their character and sometimes mention how things apparently had gotten worse under their leadership. Rarely do we see an ad in which a candidate tells us what issues need to be addressed and how they will attempt to rectify them. Yes, nastiness is the name of the game.
Oh, I guess I forgot about Raja Krishnamoorthi. You know, the guy whose name is unpronounceable, and we should just call him Raja. His campaign ads seem to address the issues that needs attention and does it decently and humorously. His ads are an oasis in a world of nasty campaigning. Unfortunately, he is not a candidate in my district, but if he were, he would probably get my vote in November based on the style of his ads. Way to go, Raja, thank you.
Author: Fred Dryden, Huntley
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