Air Line Pilots Association Supports Raja for Congress

Raja continues to build support from working families with backing of pilots’ union
Today, Raja Krishnamoorthi announced the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) International is officially supporting his bid for Congress in the 8th District of Illinois. The 8th District covers the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, and its eastern boundary includes portions of O’Hare airport.
In announcing their support, Director of Government Affairs Elizabeth Baker said, “ALPA is proud to support Raja for Congress in Illinois’ 8th District because he will tirelessly fight to protect the safety and security of our national airspace, as well as good paying, American jobs. We are confident Raja will go to Congress with a forward-looking agenda to grow the middle class, protect pilot jobs, and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure. Raja is the only candidate in this race who has what it takes to win not only an election, but victories on behalf of working families in Congress.”
Quickly following House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement earlier this week, ALPA joins the Illinois State Council of Machinists, International Union of Elevator Constructors Local 2, Office and Professional Employees’ Union Local 45, Illinois Letter Carriers’ President Ken Christy and over 100 local and national leaders and organizations backing Raja’s campaign.