Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi Announces First Slate of Endorsements From Organized Labor

Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi Announces First Slate of Endorsements From Organized Labor
Organized labor organizations have overwhelmingly determined that Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi is the best candidate to fight for working families in Illinois’ 8th Congressional District.
Contact: Brian Kaissi
SCHAUMBURG, IL- Today, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi announced his first slate of prominent endorsements from the organized labor movement. As a third term Member of Congress, Congressman Raja has earned a stellar pro-labor voting record, invested in and reformed apprenticeship and workforce development programs, and consistently fought for workers’ right to organize throughout Illinois and America.
Leaders representing the following labor organizations, in no particular order, were the first to announce their support:
- Illinois AFL-CIO
- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- Teamsters Joint Council 25
- International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150
- Illinois Federation of Teachers
- Illinois Education Association
- American Federation Of State, County & Municipal Employees
- United Food and Commercial Workers Local 881
- Associated Firefighters of Illinois
- Painters District Council 30
- The Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council
- LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council
- The United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters
- United Steelworkers District 7
- Amalgamated Transit Union
- Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers AD Council 1
Labor leaders from across the region are outspoken about their unwavering support for Congressman Raja’s re-election. Below are a few of the comments made by labor representatives:
“Raja Krishnamoorthi has proven to be not only a very effective member of Congress, but also a strong ally of organized labor and all working families” – Illinois AFL-CIO President Tim Drea
“Congressman Raja’s record of fighting to establish policies that ease the burden on working families, bringing millions of dollars in infrastructure investment to the state, and prioritizing proven workforce development programs that improve lives are all critical. There is no candidate better suited to lead Illinois’ 8th district than Raja.” – IBEW President William Niesman
“As the product of public schools, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi understands how crucial strengthening our public education system is, and has taken real steps in Congress to support public schools.” – Illinois Federation of Teachers President Dan Montgomery
“Congressman Raja’s unequivocal support of the middle class is clear – we count on him to make the right choice on the issues that matter most, and he delivers. His focus on investments in infrastructure, protecting workers, prioritizing public health, and advancing a pro-labor, pro-union agenda are invaluable to the district and to workers throughout all of Illinois.” – LiUNA Chicago Laborers’ District Council Business Manager Jim Connolly
“Congressman Raja’s record as an effective pro-labor leader comes as no surprise to the constituents and citizens of Illinois that he has served for years. His commitment to safeguarding worker’s rights, strengthening middle class families, and advocating for the betterment of Illinois’ 8th District in Washington, are all key reasons we are honored to support him.” – Teamsters Joint Council 25 President Terrence Hancock